Woman choosing dress to buy in showroom, closeup

How customers save with Kate Deals

  • Sofie (26) saved 29.20 euros at shops such as Etam, Damart and Hema
  • Floris (38) got over 100 euros off his holiday booking
  • Mia (53) received an amazing discount on her smartphone
  • Martijn (41) enjoyed a great deal on Foodbag and more
Discover all Kate Deals in KBC Mobile

All kinds of new Kate Deals appear in KBC Mobile every month. Discount codes and cashback rewards make it easy to save money at your favourite retailers. See how some Kate Deals users enjoyed discounts on food and drink, clothes, travel, telecom and much more besides!

Sofie (26): ‘29.20 euros saved... every little helps!’

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Sofie (26) saved 29.20 euros on her spending in one month thanks to Kate Deals. ‘I’d been planning a shopping trip for a while, then when I saw in KBC Mobile that lots of clothes shops had a Kate Deal, I couldn’t help myself!’ she laughs. ‘29.20 euros saved... every little helps!’ One discount earned Sofie 10 euros off at Damart. ‘I was able to pick up a nice gift for Mother's Day, which worked out really well,’ recalls Sofie. She also got money off her purchases at shops like Etam, MyComfort24 and Sacha. ‘I’m not sure yet what I’ll do with the money I’ve saved. I did see that there’s also a Kate Deal for booking.com at the moment, maybe I'll plan a trip and get another discount!’ says Sophie with a dreamy look.

Floris (38) got a great discount when booking his trip to Spain

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Floris (38) booked his summer holiday to Costa Almeria in Spain and was delighted to use a Kate Deals discount code at booking.com. ‘I regularly scroll through Kate Deals and saw that I could get a 4% discount at booking.com. That doesn't seem like much, but the cost of travelling with the whole family during high season quickly adds up,’ says Floris. ‘Our trip cost just under 3 000 euros, but it would have been a fair bit higher without our discount of 117 euros.’ During the same period, Floris also used a 10% cashback for Uber Eats. ‘I’m looking forward to receiving 4.20 euros in my account soon, which at least pays for half a cocktail at the beach,’ he laughs.

Mia (53): ‘I always catch myself quickly checking if there’s a Kate Deal when I’m at the till’

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When Mia (53) hears the word ‘discount’, you can be sure she’s listening. ‘Hunting for great discounts was originally just a hobby,’ says Mia. ‘I collect discount coupons wherever I go, but getting a cashback automatically in KBC Mobile is obviously even more convenient.’ Kate Deals let Mia take advantage of discounts at Maes Petrol Stations, Samsung, Eliza was here and River Woods in the space of just a few weeks. How much did she save? An impressive 198.90 euros. ‘My biggest win was a hefty 15% off my Samsung smartphone,’ Mia explains. Mia won’t miss a discount anytime soon. ‘I always catch myself quickly checking if there’s a Kate Deal whenever I’m at the till. I suppose it’s become a habit!’ she laughs.

Martijn (41): ‘I always check the latest Kate Deals before buying anything’

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Martijn (41) is an avid Kate Deals user these days, but it took a painful realisation for him to start. ‘I had friends over and was proudly showing them my new Nespresso coffee machine,’ Martijn explains. ‘Someone asked if I’d used the 80-euro discount code in KBC Mobile, and I hadn’t! I won't make the same mistake twice. That’s why I always check the latest Deals before buying anything now.’ Martijn was soon able to save 62 euros thanks to discounts and cashbacks at Mobile Vikings, Vinoscoop, Foodbag and 't Frietstation. ‘I’m quite the foodie, so good food at a tidy discount only makes it taste better!’

Check out the latest Kate Deals you don’t want to miss

New Kate Deals appear all the time and this month is no exception. See them all at a glance in KBC Mobile!

Discover all Kate Deals in KBC Mobile

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