KBC Autolease and EnergyKing celebrate 30 000 bikes on the road

In an official ceremony, KBC Autolease handed over the 30 000th lease bike to Carolien Boon, office manager at Herent-based company EnergyKing. ‘This number is a new milestone for KBC Autolease,’ responded Wannes Vermost, CEO of KBC Autolease.

Together with her employer EnergyKing, an installation company for renewable energy solutions, Carolien Boon recently launched a bike leasing scheme at her workplace through KBC Autolease. Carolien also joined the scheme, selecting a Stromer speed pedelec from the extensive range available. She now uses it on a regular basis, cycling 18 kilometres from her home in Booischot to her workplace just outside Leuven.

Sustainable values

I deliberately opted for a speed pedelec to help me stay motivated and clear my head after work. Besides, my boyfriend is an avid cyclist, so there’s no way I can keep up with him on an ordinary bike. Now we can go for bike rides together, him on his racing bike, me on my Stromer

Carolien Boon, office manager at Herent-based company EnergyKing

Carolien met haar speedpedelec

For EnergyKing, bicycle leasing is an important part of the sustainable values promoted by the company at every level, both internally and externally.

A milestone

The partnership with EnergyKing also holds special significance for KBC Autolease, as office manager Carolien is actually cycling around on the 30 000th bike it has leased. In an official ceremony, she received the speed pedelec from Wannes Vermost, CEO of KBC Autolease.

We are extremely proud to have played a pioneering role in bringing this excellent product to the market. We achieved this by working together with users, customers and bicycle dealers. This number is a milestone and a clear sign of the product’s great success. Bicycle leasing has become a firm fixture in employers' mobility services and still has a lot of potential

Wannes Vermost, CEO of KBC Autolease

KBC Autolease was one of the first bicycle leasing providers on the Belgian market, delivering its first bikes as early as autumn 2016. 

Bicycle leasing has so much to offer you and your employees

How exactly does KBC Bicycle Leasing work?