

Digital applications

Tax pre-payment plan

  • Avoid a tax surcharge
  • Improve your liquidity
  • Tax-deductible

Finance holiday allowances with the KBC Cash Budget Credit Facility

The ideal financing without pressure on your cash flow. Work out your cash budget facility now.

Looking to finance your company vehicle? Check out our sharp rates

Run a simulation and easily arrange your financing in your KBC Business Dashboard.

Best In Class vehicle list

Make conscious ecologically and economically sound choices using the extensive KBC Autolease vehicle list.

Full-service car leasing

Family business in transition

Working capital insights

Analyze and optimize your working capital with this app in your Business Dashboard

KBC Bicycle Leasing

Fed up with traffic jams? Lease a bicycle! For yourself or for your employees.

Capital increase and IPO

Are you looking to raise additional capital? If so, you can get personal advice from KBC Securities.

Smart Debtor Management

Outsource your receivables management to KBC and get your invoices paid faster.

Car policy