The KBC remuneration package
It’s about more than just money
KBC offers you an attractive and varied remuneration package that matches your responsibilities, expertise and performance.
Consisting of several components, the full package includes far more than just the money paid into your account every month. More information about each component is provided below.
Click on any remuneration component below for more information:
KBC offers you a salary that matches your responsibilities, expertise and performance. A few years ago, we developed a reward model guaranteeing excellent terms of employment. We systematically assess whether your salary is in line with the market and offer attractive perks such as double holiday pay, eco and meal vouchers and supplementary child benefit.
- Monthly salary
- Single and double holiday pay
- Meal vouchers
- Eco vouchers
- Supplementary child benefit
If you really excel at your job or if your team reaches a goal you’ve set for yourselves, you may be eligible for a nice bonus. Even if we post positive results or meet sustainability goals as a group, you’re rewarded for your contribution.
You can choose to convert part of your gross salary – known as the ‘Flex budget’ – into any Flex products you like, such as a lease car, an electric bike or additional leave days, which often also involves a tax advantage. Any Flex budget you have left is paid out as fixed salary. It’s entirely up to you whether you want to ‘buy’ Flex products and which ones.
>> Learn more about the Flex plan here
As a KBC employee, you are covered by a robust pension plan that supplements your state pension entitlement. We also offer you a solid hospitalisation insurance policy that your family members can also join, guaranteed income in the event of work disability and death cover for your next of kin, protecting all of your family against various risks.
We encourage more sustainable commuter travel, for instance by providing the maximum bicycle allowance to all employees cycling to work and by offering alternatives to a lease car. If you’d rather receive your commuting allowance in cash or get a free public transport season ticket, you can; it’s all up to you!
Obviously, you don’t live to work. We create a sound work-life balance by offering a generous leave arrangement, flexitime and the option to work from home. If you’d like to work out after work or in the afternoon, you can visit the gym facility at Head Office. Isn’t that great?
You receive a fixed net expense allowance on top of your salary. The precise amount depends on your pay bracket, your position and the relevant tax rules.
It’s important to us that you feel connected to your colleagues and know that we value and support you as an individual. That’s why we’ve developed numerous initiatives, including team-building activities, a St Nicholas party, a staff cafeteria in our head offices and the benefits@work platform, as well as employee benefits on our bank and insurance products and gifts for long-service anniversaries.