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Get to know Team Blue! Here you get an insight into what working at KBC really means, the employees themselves talking.

Sarah and Maarten's job application stories

Maarten Balis recently started working as a Fund Administrator at KBC Asset Management. Sarah De Smet has been a member of the KBC Live team for almost a year now, currently working as a Home & Insurance Expert. In this article, they both share the story of their application and appointment.

>> Read the interview

Laure Berth

After her studies, Laure was looking for a job where she could learn more about what she was doing and where she was also sufficiently challenged. At KBC, she found that job as a functional analyst.

>> Read the interview

Taking ownership of your career path

In September 2022 Luna Zhang started her traineeship at KBC IT; an entirely personalized learning experience of 27 months during which she will be encouraged and supported to develop her own career path. Let her story inspire you

>> Read the interview with Luna