KBC as sustainable partner of ECO-oh!

As a partner of our Belgian business clients, we contribute to the thinking process on how to achieve the company's operational, tactical and strategical objectives. If those clients also have a same sustainability vision or sustainable business model, we are even more satisfied to be able to work with them. That's why we want to share this nice story.

The ECO-oh! company from Houthalen was quick to pick up on this and produces plastic that makes mother nature smile. Anyone can help them by sorting properly at home. And we can also repurpose, reuse or repair products.

Did you know?

Last year, KBC had 1,767 tonnes of waste recycled, brought approximately 1,000 tables and chairs to the recycling store and donated 3,234 computers and parts to the non-profit organisation Close-the-Gap.

Learn more about sustainability

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