If you opt for a KBC Bicycle Leasing contract, we’ll be happy to get you on your bicycle as soon as possible. We’ll process your quote and order digitally, saving you a considerable amount of time. You can get to grips with the details below.

Your bicycle lease starts with your barcode
Your personal barcode is the key to fast and efficient service, ensuring that you receive an automatic lease quote in line with your employer's bicycle lease policy. Follow this step-by-step guide to find your barcode in KBC MoveSmart.

Take your barcode to the bicycle dealer
This map shows your local bicycle dealers. Show your barcode to one of these bicycle dealers and ask for a quote. Your bicycle dealer will scan the barcode and you’ll get your lease quote in KBC MoveSmart right away.

Approve your lease quote in KBC MoveSmart
This step-by-step guide explains exactly what you need to do. Once you’ve done this, your Mobility Manager will validate your lease quote and KBC Autolease will place your order with the bicycle dealer.

Track your order using MoveSmart in KBC Mobile
Track your order, view the maintenance history of your bicycle and get breakdown assistance. Do this and much more with KBC MoveSmart in KBC Mobile.
Do all bicycle dealers use this digital process?
Unfortunately, while KBC Autolease continues to expand the number of digital bicycle dealers, there are still some who process everything manually. Make sure you bring your unique barcode to these bicycle dealers as well. If your bicycle dealer is unable to scan the barcode, they will need to send your bicycle quote to mobiliteit@kbcautolease.be. We will then add your lease quote to KBC MoveSmart as soon as we can.