Get the most from our website and apps in full security
Update your operating system, browser and security software regularly for the best possible secure digital service from us.
Fulfil our system requirements
These requirements apply to KBC Business Dashboard and to other apps like Online for Business, Flexims, Reach and eDocumentBox.
Get even more benefits
Online banking is easier to use and faster if you're up to date with our latest system requirements.
KBC Business Dashboard – system and security requirements
KBC guarantees optimum, secure use of the KBC website and the listed applications, provided the following system requirements are met.
Important! If possible, always use the most recent version of the software. We don't support older versions of operating systems and/or browsers and limit access to online services in such cases for security reasons.
1. General recommendations for using the KBC website
Browser version
A browser is a program that lets you use the Internet. To find out which version of your browser you're using, open the program and click the 'Help' tab in the menu. Then select ‘About Firefox’, ‘About Safari’ or ‘About Chrome’. This will display the name and version of your browser.
Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 (16-bit colour depth) recommended.