What is legal assistance insurance?
There are quite a few situations in which legal assistance is more than just ‘nice to have’. Legal assistance insurance provides you with the legal and financial back-up you need. That’s reassuring for any company manager or director.
Who is insured?
This insurance covers everyone active at your business, from management to students with a holiday job.
What is insured?
- If you, as company manager or director, suffer loss or damage for which someone else is responsible, we will assist you in obtaining compensation, even from government authorities and other insurers.
- We will take charge of your criminal defence if criminal proceedings are taken against you for an unintentional offence during your business operations.
- And if the person who has to pay your loss or damage turns out to be insolvent, we will provide cover of up to 12 500 euros with an additional 12 500 euros in the case of bodily injury.
What is not insured?
There are a few exclusions from the legal assistance insurance, including:
- Items covered by industrial accident legislation
- Purely non-material loss or damage
- Vehicle disputes
- Deliberate offences
Sector conditions
Additional cover is provided for certain sectors. Each of these sectors has its own characteristics within the legal assistance insurance. The different sectors are listed below:
- Hospitality
- Garage and related professions
- Wellness, beauty and health
- Construction and installation firms
- Agriculture and horticulture
- Trade