Sustainability related disclosures

Sustainability related disclosures

Informations sur la durabilité

Pour les fonds de l'article 8 et de l'article 9, KBC Asset Management publie un document contenant toutes les informations sur la durabilité du fonds.
Contactez votre gestionnaire de relations pour plus d'informations sur la commercialisation d'un fonds particulier dans votre pays. Il sera heureux de vous aider à trouver un investissement qui correspond à votre préférence en matière de risque en tant qu'investisseur.

Consultez ici la déclaration PAI de KBC Asset Management au niveau de l'entité.
Déclaration sur les principales incidences négatives en matière de durabilité
(cf. art. 4.1 Règlement délégué de la Commission - RTS)

Quel fonds vous intéresse ?


Articles of association     NL  EN
Prospectus                        NL EN
Annual report                   NL EN
Semi-annual report          NL EN

Click here to access the Key Information Documents for Horizon
Click here to access fund performance information for Horizon


Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Business Dynamic DBI-RDT Responsible Investing                       NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Flexible Portfolio January Responsible Investing                           NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC Defensive Balanced Responsible Investing                            NL  FR  EN  DE  BG
  • KBC Defensive Conservative Responsible Investing                     NL  FR  EN  DE  BG
  • KBC Defensive Responsible Investing                                              NL  FR  EN  DE SK
  • KBC Defensive Tolerant Responsible Investing                             NL  FR  EN  DE  BG
  • KBC Dynamic Responsible Investing                                               NL  FR  EN  DE  HU SK
  • KBC Dynamic Balanced Responsible Investing                             NL  FR  EN  DE  BG
  • KBC Dynamic Tolerant Responsible Investing                               NL  FR  EN  DE  BG
  • KBC ExpertEase Dynamic Responsible Investing                          NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC Highly Dynamic Responsible Investing                                  NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC Highly Dynamic Tolerant Responsible Investing                 NL  FR  EN  DE  BG
  • Strategisch Obligatiedepot Responsible Investing                         NL  FR  EN  DE


Articles of association     NL
Prospectus                        NL
Annual report                   NL
Semi-annual report          NL

Click here to access Key Information Documents for IN.Flanders Index Fund
Click here to acess fund performance information for IN.Flanders Index Fund

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • IN.flanders Employment Fund Responsible Investing     NL  FR  EN  DE

KBC B-Assured

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC B-Assured
Click here to acess fund performance information for KBC B-Assured

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Class 23 or unit-linked life insurance:

  • KBC B-Assured Defensive Conservative Responsible Investing                     NL  FR  EN  DE

KBC Bonds

Articles of association      EN  FR
Prospectus                        EN  FR
Annual report                    EN  FR
Semi-annual report          EN  FR

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC Bonds
Click here to acess fund performance information for KBC Bonds

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Emerging Markets Responsible Investing   FR  EN  
  • Green Social Sustainability Bonds Responsible Investing  FR  EN   
  • High Interest Responsible Investing                       FR  EN  
  • High Yield Responsible Investing                            FR EN
  • Strategic Accents Responsible Investing               FR  EN  
  • Strategic Broad 25 75 Responsible Investing        FR  EN 
  • Strategic Broad 50 50 Responsible Investing       FR  EN  
  • Strategic Broad 75 25 Responsible Investing        FR  EN  

KBC Eco Fund

Articles of association     NL  EN
Prospectus                        NL  EN
Annual report                   NL  EN
Semi-annual report          NL  EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC Eco Fund
Click here to acess fund performance information for KBC Eco Fund

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Alternative Energy Responsible Investing     NL  FR  EN  DE  CS   SK
  • Climate Change Responsible Investing         NL  FR  EN  DE  CS  SK
  • CSOB Water Responsible Investing                NL  FR  EN  DE  CS 
  • Impact Responsible Investing                         NL  FR  EN  DE  CS  SK  HU  BG
  • SDG Equities Responsible Investing               NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Water Responsible Investing                           NL  FR  EN  DE  CS   SK  BG
  • World Responsible Investing                            NL  FR  EN  DE  CS

KBC Equity Fund

Articles of association     NL  EN
Prospectus                        NL  EN
Annual report                   NL  EN
Semi-annual report          NL  EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC Equity Fund
Click here to acess fund performance information for KBC Equity Fund

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Asia Pacific Responsible Investing                                  NL  FR  EN DE
  • Emerging Markets Responsible Investing                     NL  FR  EN  DE  CS  SK  HU 
  • EMU Small & Medium Caps Responsible Investing     NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Eurozone Responsible Investing                                     NL  FR  EN  DE       
  • Global Value Responsible Investing                               NL FR EN DE CS SK
  • Minimum Variance Responsible Investing                    NL  FR  EN  DE
  • North America Responsible Investing                            NL  FR  EN  DE  CS
  • North American Continent Responsible Investing       NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Rest of Europe Responsible Investing                            NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Strategic Satellites Responsible Investing                     NL  FR  EN  DE 
  • USA & Canada Responsible Investing                            NL  FR  EN  DE
  • We Care Responsible Investing                                       NL  FR  EN  DE  CS  SK  HU  BG
  • We Digitize Responsible Investing                                  NL  FR  EN  DE  CS  SK  HU  BG
  • We Like Responsible Investing                                        NL  FR  EN  DE  CS  SK  HU  BG
  • We Live Responsible Investing                                        NL  FR  EN  DE  CS  SK  HU  BG
  • We Shape Responsible Investing                                    NL  FR  EN  DE  CS  SK  HU  BG
  • World DBI-RDT Responsible Investing                           NL  FR  EN  DE
  • World Responsible Investing                                           NL  FR  EN  DE  HU

KBC Institutional Fund

Articles of association     NL  EN
Prospectus                        NL  EN
Annual report                   NL   EN
Semi-annual report          NL  EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC Institutional Fund
Click here to acess fund performance information for KBC Instutional Fund

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Asia Pacific Responsible Investing                 NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Euro Bonds Defensive Responsible Investing  NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Euro Bonds Responsible Investing                NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Euro Bonds Short Responsible Investing        NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Euro Equities Responsible Investing             NL  FR  EN  DE
  • European Real Estate Responsible Investing  NL  FR  EN  DE  CS
  • Global Defensive 1 Responsible Investing    NL  FR  EN DE
  • Global Responsible Investing                        NL  FR  EN  DE 
  • North America Responsible Investing          NL  FR  EN  DE  CS
  • Rest of Europe Responsible Investing          NL  FR  EN  DE
  • World Equity Responsible Investing             NL  FR  EN  DE  CS

KBC Institutional Investors

A non public investment company with variable share capital

Click here to access fund performance information for KBC Institutional Investors

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Balanced 3 Responsible Investing                                      NL  EN
  • Balanced 4 Responsible Investing                                  NL  EN  FR   DE 
  • Balanced 5                                                                     NL  EN
  • Balanced 6                                                                     NL  EN
  • Euro Bonds Ex-Pharma Responsible Investing                  NL  EN
  • LDI Solutions 1 Responsible Investing                              NL  EN
  • LDI Solutions 2 Responsible Investing                              NL  EN
  • LDI Solutions 3 Responsible Investing                              NL  EN
  • Mixed Defensive 1 Responsible Investing                             NL  EN
  • SFUZ 2                                                                                         NL  EN    
  • World Equities Ex-Pharma Responsible Investing             NL  EN

KBC-Keyman Pension Plan

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Class 23 or unit-linked life insurance:

  • KBC-Keyman Highly Dynamic Responsible Investing                     NL  FR  EN  DE

KBC-Life Invest Fund

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Class 23 or unit-linked life insurance:

  • Corporate Bonds 1 Responsible Investing                             FR     
  • Flexible Portfolio January Responsible Investing                 FR
  • Green Social Sustainability Bonds Responsible Investing   FR
  • Impact Responsible Investing                                                  FR
  • KBC Defensive Balanced Responsible Investing                   FR
  • KBC Defensive Conservative Responsible Investing            FR
  • KBC Defensive Responsible Investing                                    FR
  • KBC Defensive Responsible Investing 2                                 FR
  • KBC Defensive Tolerant Responsible Investing                    FR
  • KBC Dynamic Balanced Responsible Investing                    FR
  • KBC Dynamic Responsible Investing                                      FR
  • KBC Dynamic Responsible Investing 2                                   FR
  • KBC Dynamic Responsible Investing 3                                   FR
  • KBC Dynamic Tolerant Responsible Investing                      FR
  • KBC Highly Dynamic Responsible Investing                         FR
  • KBC Highly Dynamic Responsible Investing 2                      FR
  • Safe 4 Life Responsible Investing                                            FR
  • World BestOf 100-1 Responsible Investing                           FR
  • World Timing 100-1 Responsible Investing                           FR
  • World Selection 100-1 Responsible Investing                      FR


KBC-Life Invest Plan

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC-Life Invest Plan
Click here to access fund performance information for KBC-Life Invest Plan

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Class 23 or unit-linked life insurance:

  • KBC IP Defensive Conservative Responsible Investing        NL  FR  EN  DE

KBC-Life Long-Term Fund plan

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC-Life Long Term Fund plan
Click here to access fund performance information for KBC-Life Long Term Fund Plan

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Class 23 or unit-linked life insurance:

  • KBC-Life LT Dynamic Responsible Investing        NL  FR  EN  DE

KBC-Life Multinvest

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC-Life Multinvest
Click here to access fund performance in,formation for KBC-Life Multinvest

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Class 23 or unit-linked life insurance:

  • KBC-Life MI Defensive Conservative Responsible Investing    NL  FR  EN  DE
  • World Timing 100-1 Responsible Investing  NL  FR  EN  DE

KBC-Life Privileged Portfolio

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC-Life Privileged Portfolio
Click here to access fund performance information for KBC-Life Privileged Portfolio

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Class 23 or unit-linked life insurance:

  • KBC-Life PP Defensive Conservative Responsible Investing    NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life PP Highly Dynamic Responsible Investing                                      NL  FR  EN  DE

KBC-Life Solutions

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC-Life Solutions
Click here to access fund performance information for KBC-Life Solutions

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Class 23 or unit-linked life insurance:

  • KBC-Life Flexible Portfolio January Responsible Investing                                NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Corporate Bonds 1 Responsible Investing                                        NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Responsible Investing                                                        NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Balanced Responsible Investing                                      NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Balanced Responsible Investing Comfort Plus              NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Balanced Responsible Investing Comfort Portfolio        NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Conservative Responsible Investing                                   NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Conservative Responsible Investing Comfort                  NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Conservative Responsible Investing Comfort Plus          NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Conservative Responsible Investing Comfort Portfolio    NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Responsible Investing Comfort                                            NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Responsible Investing Comfort Plus                                  NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Responsible Investing Comfort Portfolio                          NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Tolerant Responsible Investing                                          NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Tolerant Responsible Investing Comfort                            NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Tolerant Responsible Investing Comfort Plus                   NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Defensive Tolerant Responsible Investing Comfort Portfolio          NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Balanced Responsible Investing                                             NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Balanced Responsible Investing Comfort                           NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Balanced Responsible Investing Comfort Plus                 NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Balanced Responsible Investing Comfort Portfolio        NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Responsible Investing                                                         NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Responsible Investing Comfort                                         NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Responsible Investing Comfort Plus                                NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Responsible Investing Comfort Portfolio                       NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Tolerant Responsible Investing                                         NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Tolerant Responsible Investing Comfort                             NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Tolerant Responsible Investing Comfort Plus                     NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Dynamic Tolerant Responsible Investing Comfort Portfolio           NL  FR  EN  DE  
  • KBC-Life S Green Social Sustainability Bonds Responsible Investing              NL  FR  EN  DE  
  • KBC-Life S Highly Dynamic Responsible Investing                                              NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Highly Dynamic Responsible Investing Comfort                             NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Highly Dynamic Responsible Investing Comfort Plus                   NL FR EN DE
  • KBC-Life S Highly Dynamic Responsible Investing Comfort Portfolio           NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S Impact Responsible Investing                                                             NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S World Selection 100-1 Responsible Investing                                 NL  FR  EN  DE


KBC-Life Solutions4

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC-Life Solutions4
Click here to access fund performance information for KBC-Life Solutions4

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Class 23 or unit-linked life insurance:

  • KBC-Life S4 Comfort Defensive Responsible Investing                NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S4 Comfort Dynamic Responsible Investing                  NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S4 Comfort Dynamic High Responsible Investing         NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S4 Defensive Responsible Investing                                  NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S4 Dynamic Responsible Investing                                    NL  FR  EN  DE
  • KBC-Life S4 Impact Responsible Investing                                       NL  FR  EN  DE

KBC Master Fund

Articles of association      EN
Prospectus                        NL  EN
Annual report                   NL  EN
Semi-annual report         NL  EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC Master Fund
Click here for fund performance information for KBC Master Fund

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Business Comfort Defensive Responsible Investing     NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Business Comfort Dynamic Responsible Investing       NL  FR  EN  DE

KBC Multi Interest

Articles of association     NL  EN
Prospectus                        NL  EN
Annual report                   NL  EN
Semi-annual report          NL  EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC Multi Interest
Click here for fund performance information for KBC Multi Interest

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Cash 3 Month Duration Responsible Investing          NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Cash 4 Month Duration Responsible Investing         NL  FR  EN  DE
  • Cash Standard Duration Responsible Investing          NL  FR  EN  DE

KBC Private Partners Climate Technologies Responsible Investing

A non public investment company with fixed share capital

Sustainability related disclosures of the funds marketed by the Bevek:

  •  Climate Technologies Responsible Investing                       NL  EN

KBC Private Partners Climate Technologies Privak Responsible Investing

A non public investment company with fixed share capital

Sustainability related disclosures of the funds marketed by the Bevek:

  •  Climate Technologies Responsible Investing Privak           NL  EN

KBC Renta

Articles of association     EN
Prospectus                       EN
Annual report                   EN
Semi-annual report         EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC Renta
Click here for fund performance information for KBC Renta

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Czechrenta Responsible Investing                  FR  EN  DE  CS  SK
  • Eurorenta Responsible Investing                    FR  EN  DE  CS  SK
  • Nokrenta Responsible Investing                      FR  EN  DE  CS  SK

KBC Select Immo

Articles of association     NL  EN
Prospectus                        NL  EN
Annual report                   NL  EN
Semi-annual report          NL  EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC Select Immo
Click here to access fund performance information for KBC Select Immo

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:


KBC Select Investors

Articles of association     EN
Prospectus                        EN
Annual report                   EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for KBC Select Investors
Click here to access fund performance information for KBC Select Investors

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek :

  • Global Flexible Allocation July Responsible Investing      NL     EN   
  • Global Flexible Allocation Responsible Investing              NL     EN   

Pricos Responsible Investing

Management Rules         NL  EN
Prospectus                        NL  EN
Annual report                   NL  EN
Semi-annual report          NL  EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for Pricos Responsible Investing
Click hgere to access fund performance information for Pricos Responsible Investing

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek :

  • Pricos Responsible Investing         NL   FR   EN   DE

Pricos Defensive Responsible Investing

Management Rules         NL  EN
Prospectus                        NL  EN
Annual report                   NL  EN
Semi-annual report          NL  EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for Pricos Defensive Responsible Investing
Click here to access fund performance information for Pricos Defensive Responsible Investing

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek :

  • Pricos Defensive Responsible Investing        NL   FR   EN   DE

Pricos SRI

Management Rules         NL  EN
Prospectus                        NL  EN
Annual report                   NL  EN
Semi-annual report          NL  EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for Pricos SRI
Click here to access fund performance information for Pricos SRI

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek :

  • Pricos SRI    NL   FR   EN   DE


Articles of association        NL  EN
Prospectus                           NL  EN
Annual report                      NL  EN
Semi-annual report             NL  EN

Click here to access Key Information Documents for Sivek
Click here to access for fund performance information for Sivek

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Global Low Responsible Investing              NL  FR  EN  DE  
  • Global Medium Responsible Investing       NL  FR  EN  DE  HU 


A non public investment company with variable share capital

Sustainability related disclosures of the sub-funds marketed by the Bevek:

  • Zorgverzekering         NL