What type of investor are you?
We do our utmost to provide you with investment advice that's suited to your situation. It should come as no surprise then that providing personalised advice is our priority.
To do that, we have to know exactly what you want to achieve with your investment, what your financial situation is, which risks you prefer to take and how long you want to invest your money for. That enables us to arrive at your investment profile. It reflects the type of investor you are and forms the cornerstone on which we base our advice. It also replaces the so-called risk profile.
How does it work?
Your private banker will ask you a number of questions about:
- your investment objectives
Do you want to preserve what you put in no matter what? Or are you primarily interested in earning a return on your money, even if it entails more risk? - your reaction to a fall in value and your risk preference
How would you react to your investment falling in value? How much risk are you prepared to take for an individual investment and for your total portfolio, including cash holdings? - your financial situation
What is the total value of your assets? Are you planning a major outlay in the next three years? Would you like to set aside a buffer to cover unforeseen expenses? - your investment horizon
How long can you do without the money you intend to invest?
Your investment profile
We use all your answers to determine your investment profile and that allows us to provide suitable investment advice in line with that profile.
We are aware that your situation can change at any time. So, be sure to get in touch with your private banker should anything change.