Contact KBC Private Banking

Expertise at home and in the office

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Contact KBC Private Banking

Expertise at home and in the office

Contact KBC Private Banking

Like to meet us? Make an appointment

Feel free to arrange an appointment for a 'get-to-know-you' meeting at your home or in the branch. Just fill in your details and a private banker in your area will contact you.

Make an appointment

Got a question? Contact KBC Live Private Banking

KBC Live Private Banking comprises a team of Private Banking experts who, in confidence, will deal specifically with any questions you have, whenever you have them, including evenings and weekends.

Contact KBC Live Private Banking


Our branches

There are as many as 39 Private Banking branches in Flanders and Brussels. You’ll always be guaranteed a warm welcome!

Our branches

Also useful

Card Stop
Stop a lost or stolen card

078 170 170

See what to do if you're having problems with your card

Helpdesk online banking 016 43 25 07
Mon. to Fri. from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Sat. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Fallen victim to fraud or lost your smartphone?
Block your KBC Mobile, KBC Business or KBC Phone


+32 16 432 000 24/7
Complaint or suggestion
Ask us a question
Submit a complaint or suggestion
Where can you go with your suggestion or complaint?
File a claim

Through your insurance agent using KBC Assist

+32 (0) 16 24 24 24

+32 16 24 24 24 (abroad)


Tell us you've been admitted to hospital

In KBC Assist

0800 900 68


Mon. to Fri. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.