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Check your insurance cover

Wondering whether your business needs an insurance review?

Insurance review for your own business
verzekering werknemers zelfstandige

1. Are you self-employed or run a business and employ staff?

Tip: tap the ‘info’ icons to get information for helping you answer the questions.

2. How regularly are you in contact with your insurer or broker?

advies verzekeringen ondernemer of bedrijfsleider


brandverzekering zelfstandige

3. Do you have cover for all your fixed costs (wages, loans, etc.) that continue to be incurred should your building burn down?

Skip this question if you don’t run a company

4. Are your personal assets protected should something go wrong in your role as a company director?

verzekering vennootschap


pensioen zelfstandige of vennootschap

5. Have you already started building up a supplementary pension in a tax-efficient way so you can maintain your standard of living when you retire?

6. Are you covered financially if you become (temporarily) incapacitated for work by illness or an accident?

vervangend inkomen voor ziekte of arbeidsongeschiktheid zelfstandige


verzekering gezin overlijden zelfstandige

7. Have you thought about the financial consequences for your family should you die?

8. Is your company adequately insured against financial loss due to cybercrime?

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Skip this question if you don’t have or don’t want to hire any staff
groepsverzekering of hospitalisatieverzekering personeel

9. In the war for talent, group insurance and/or hospitalisation insurance for your employees can turn out to be an effective weapon. Would you like to receive advice on this matter?

Get advice from an expert

Request your free insurance review here

Now you’ve completed this questionnaire, are you unsure whether you, your company, your family ... are adequately protected? Or have you felt a need to go through your insurance policies for some time? If so, leave your details here and a KBC agent in your area will contact you as soon as possible to conduct a no-obligation review of your insurance cover.

* Required fields. KBC processes your personal data in a manner that is lawful and appropriate. More information on how we process and share your personal data can be found in our data protection statement, which also explains your rights and how you can exercise them. The data protection statement, which is updated on a regular basis, is available at www.kbc.be/en/privacy, at your branch or from your intermediary.