
KBC Bank & Insurance

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KBC Bank & Insurance

Our General Banking Terms and Conditions, legal documents and product regulations are available here for your information. You can view them online or, if you prefer, you can download them instead. Of course, they can also be obtained from your KBC Bank branch.


Belgian Bankers' Association Code of Conduct

The Belgian Bankers' Association Code of Conduct has been drawn up by the Belgian Bankers' and Stockbroking Firms' Association, the organisation representing banks and savings banks in Belgium. This publication contains the rules that banks and savings banks have to follow in their relationship with private customers.

Full text (in Dutch or French) provided on the Febelfin website.

General Banking Terms and Conditions

General Banking conditions until January 1, 2024
View the General Banking Conditions

General Banking conditions as of Jan. 1, 2024
View the General Banking Conditions

Main changes
View the main changes

KBC Bank embargo policy

KBC Bank must comply with financial and trade embargoes issued by the United Nations (made enforceable in Belgium),  the European Union and by the Belgian legislator, but also embargoes issued by the USA (OFAC).
Read here the KBC Bank Embargo Policy.

Information on the Conflicts of Interest Policy

The European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) obliges investment undertakings to draw up a written policy for managing their conflicts of interest when providing investment services. The Royal Decree of 21 February 2014 on the code of conduct and rules for managing conflicts of interest imposes the same requirement on insurance companies. The following publications contain more information on how KBC Bank and KBC Insurance have drawn up their policy.

Anti-Money Laundering

Banks play an important role in the fight against money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and corruption. Anti-money laundering legislation requires KBC to carry out checks to prevent the bank from (unwittingly) supporting illegal activities.
To enable us to perform these checks, we ask customers, agents holding power of attorney, representatives and ultimate beneficial owners to provide us with certain personal data and documents.

Given that they may change over time, we also regularly ask that these details be checked and either confirmed or updated where necessary. This is very important, because if we’re unable to verify these details in time, we have to block the relevant customer’s banking and insurance products as well as any powers of attorney they may hold.

KBC will only use this information internally and in the context of the legal purpose for which it is intended, namely verification, investigations and giving advice in relation to money laundering and fraud prevention.

Our clarification on the ‘Declaration concerning the identification of Politically Exposed Persons’ can be read here.

More information and documentation on ultimate beneficial owners:
· ‘Ultimate Beneficial Owner Declaration’ form
· Annex: Explanatory notes to the Ultimate Beneficial Owner Declaration form
· Additional supporting documents for ultimate beneficial owners

More information on the group structure organisation chart can be found here:
- Organization chart of the group structure

More information on the fight against money laundering can also be found on the Febelfin website.



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