
Receive convenient mobile payments at your practice

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Receive convenient mobile payments at your practice

Surprisingly simple

Your patients pay by scanning your QR code using Payconiq in KBC Mobile or Payconiq by Bancontact on their smartphone.


Whenever you receive confirmation that someone has paid, you can be 100% sure of getting the amount in question.

Without set-up or subscription charges

You only pay a charge of 0.06 euros per payment transaction.

Fill in the application form

Making payments is so much simpler with Payconiq. Your patients pay on their smartphone, and you immediately receive the payment confirmation on your PC, tablet or smartphone. See how it works.

At your practice and during home visits

  • At your practice, your patients pay you by scanning your unique QR code using Payconiq in KBC Mobile or using the Payconiq by Bancontact app.

  • It's really easy to receive payments during home visits, too. Your patients scan your unique QR code on their smartphone, and you immediately receive the payment confirmation on your own device.

How to get going with Payconiq

  1. Fill in the application form or contact your branch.
  2. You'll be sent a contract that can be signed digitally.
  3. Once you've signed it, log in to the Payconiq merchant portal to permanently activate your account.
  4. As soon as Payconiq receives your contract, a welcome pack will be put together for you that you'll usually receive within 2 weeks.
  5. Place your new QR code where it can be clearly seen at your practice and you're done.


How much does it cost?

There are no set-up or monthly subscription charges.
You only pay

  • a charge of 0.06 euros per payment transaction
  • Annual operating fee of 18 euros

You don’t need to buy any new or special hardware. Your smartphone, computer or tablet is all you need.

Receive payments fast and easy

Receiving payments couldn't be easier. You can check all incoming payments in real time on the merchant portal, where they are instantly displayed in your list of transactions. And in just a few clicks, you can easily create and export payment overviews.

More convenience for your patients

Your patients no longer need to have cash or their bank card on them.

They pay by scanning your unique QR code using Payconiq in KBC Mobile or the Payconiq by Bancontact app on their smartphone.

Next, they enter the amount and confirm using their PIN. It’s as simple as that! Since being launched, Payconiq in KBC Mobile has welcomed 1.2 million users!


Payconiq uses a highly secure transfer system, with every single communication between Payconiq and the banks being encrypted. Not only are payments highly secure, user privacy is protected too.

Payments made using Payconiq are guaranteed (whenever you receive confirmation that someone has paid, you can be 100% sure of getting the amount in question).

Is Payconiq something for you?

Enter your personal details
We will contact you at the specified time

Payment terminals at KBC

Payconiq offers you a convenient and fully mobile payment system that can supplement a payment terminal in your practice. Find out more about the different options.

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