KBC Savings Account PRO

Savings account for legal persons and organisations without legal personality

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KBC Savings Account PRO

Savings account for legal persons and organisations without legal personality

Why go for a KBC Savings Account PRO?

The KBC Savings Account PRO is the ideal way to save if you want to build up a relatively safe financial reserve for future contingencies. Unlike some investment products, a savings account gives you immediate access to your money. And savings accounts bear interest up to the day you withdraw your cash.

Please note that non-profit organisations, public authorities, government agencies and autonomous entities cannot open a KBC Savings Account PRO. Instead, KBC offers other types of savings accounts for these clients. Learn more.

Main features of the KBC Savings Account PRO

1. Pay no charges to open or manage your account

The KBC Savings Account PRO is free. So, we won't charge you for opening and managing your savings account, or if you want to make a withdrawal.

2. A base rate of interest plus a fidelity bonus

Base rate of interest 0.35%
Fidelity bonus 0.25%

The rates shown are gross and annualised and can change at any time. Current rates are always given here or can be obtained from your KBC Bank branch. If rates change, we will inform account holders of this on their statements of account.

Savings account for legal persons and organisations without legal personality

3. Tax treatment

All interest accruing on a KBC Savings Account PRO is subject to Belgian withholding tax, which is currently (income year 2025) charged at 30%.

4. Risks

  • Insolvency risk: a maximum of 100,000 euros of your aggregate deposits with KBC Bank are guaranteed per person, subject to certain conditions. In the event of KBC’s insolvency (e.g., if it goes into bankruptcy), you run the risk of losing any deposits you have over 100,000 euros, or their amount could be reduced or converted into shares. You can obtain a copy of our ‘Protection of deposits and financial instruments in Belgium’ brochure from your KBC branch or from  www.kbc.be/depositprotection.

  • Inflation risk: this savings account also has an inflation risk, as sustained price increases can result in the amount deposited losing value.

You can obtain a copy of our ‘Protection of deposits and financial instruments in Belgium’ brochure free of charge from your KBC Bank branch. It is also available at www.kbc.be/depositprotection.

Additional information

The KBC Savings Account PRO is a regulated, open-ended savings account offered by KBC Bank NV (Belgium) and governed by Belgian law. Before opening a savings account with us, be sure to read our key information for savers.



If you have a complaint, you can send it to klachten@KBC Savings Account PRO, tel. 0800 62 084, and/or ombudsman@ombudsfin.be.

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Savings account for non-profit organisations, public authorities and autonomous entities

Create a financial reserve for contingencies. And earn interest right up to the day you withdraw your cash.

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  • Risks under control
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