
Get our help to buy or build a home

Voor- en nadelen op een rijtje

Get our help to buy or build a home

Voor- en nadelen op een rijtje

Buying or building a home has a great impact on the household budget. That's why it's very important that your financial approach and choice are well planned. We've set out all the advantages and drawbacks for you.

Buying a home, the advantages

  • You know exactly when you can enter your new home, since there are no delays as is often the case with a newbuild.
  • There are no hidden surprises, since you know how much it will cost.
  • If you need to renovate, you can often count on subsidies.
  • If the house is older than five years, then renovation work can be invoiced at 10% VAT instead of 21%. Alle voorwaarden vind je hier.

Did you know that...

You can also borrow interest free for your purchase and renovation project? See how to claim back your interest on a Flemish renovation loan here.

Buying a home, the drawbacks

  • The house may not be completely to your liking so you'll have to compromise.
  • Not all defects are visible.
  • You're more likely to have maintenance and repair costs sooner than with a newbuild.

Building a home, the advantages

  • You can completely design the house and organise it as you wish.
  • If you're handy, you can carry out some of the work yourself and save costs (e.g. kitchen installation).
  • You won't have to pay maintenance or repair costs for many years.
  • The value of property tends to rise faster long term than the rate of inflation.

Building a home, the drawbacks

Buying or building a home
  • If you’re not good at interpreting building plans or visualising rooms, the final result might be disappointing.
  • If you're carrying out any work yourself, you or one of your helpers could have an accident. You might have problems with the VAT inspector, the social inspectorate or the unemployment office.
  • Spreading the completion and furnishing of your home over several years can be inconvenient and can hit your purse. The work can bite deeply into your free time, sapping your motivation, putting a strain on the family, and affecting your performance at work. A turnkey formula can be a solution.
  • Construction costs might turn out higher than estimated. You might have to remain longer than planned in your current rented home, requiring you to pay rent and loan repayments at the same time.
  • Everything is subject to 21% VAT.

Breaking up and your home loan

Should you sell your home or stay living there? See options and consequences for you and your partner.
Breaking up and your home loan

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