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rechtsbijstand familiale

Legal assistance cover under your family insurance

Legal assistance cover is particularly useful if you’re ever involved in an accident or contractual dispute. Depending on the type of add-on cover you choose, you’ll receive legal support and assistance or be reimbursed for your legal expenses and certain other costs. An overview is provided below of the different types of legal assistance cover and the type of protection they offer.


Personal legal assistance
  • Provided as standard when you take out your family insurance online with KBC
  • Legal advice and assistance
    • to help you obtain compensation if someone causes you loss, damage or injury
    • if you cause loss, damage or injury to someone else and that person claims compensation


Legal assistance for contractual disputes
  • Reimbursement of costs, including your legal expenses and lawyer's fees
  • Legal support for disputes relating to purchases, rent and other situations (involving an amount of 200 euros or more)
  • Can only be taken out with personal legal assistance insurance, which is included under your family insurance
  • Cannot be taken out with legal assistance cover for other disputes
  • Exclusions are the same as for personal legal assistance insurance
  • If you’re interested, run an online simulation


Legal assistance for other disputes (tax-deductible)
  • Reimbursement of costs, including your legal expenses and lawyer's fees
  • Legal support for administrative, tax or employment-related disputes, contractual construction disputes and disputes relating to a first divorce (involving an amount of 1 000 euros or more)
  • Can only be taken out with personal legal assistance insurance, which is included under your family insurance
  • Cannot be taken out with legal assistance cover for contractual disputes
  • Mediation in family matters
  • Your premium is tax-deductible*
  • If you’re interested, make an appointment at a KBC branch near you

* This tax treatment depends on your personal situation and may be subject to change in the future.

What is covered by personal legal assistance?


Personal legal assistance insurance

If you suffer loss, damage or injury that is caused by the actions of another person, we will assist you in obtaining compensation from the liable party. If they are unable to pay, we’ll pay up to 12,500 euros in compensation. This figure is doubled in the case of bodily injuries.

Extension of legal assistance to cover contractual disputes
Insofar as the amount involved is at least 200 euros, this add-on cover provides legal support for contractual disputes relating to:

  • Contracts you have entered into as a private individual
  • Private areas of your main residence
  • Any student or holiday residence you have rented
  • Maintenance works and works for which you don’t require a building permit

Extension of legal assistance to cover other disputes

This add-on cover provides legal support for contractual disputes as long as the amount involved is at least 200 euros.

The other disputes that are covered concern:

  • Tax and administrative law
  • Labour law (including public-sector officials and the self-employed for their social security status)
  • Inheritance, gifts and wills
  • A first divorce or termination of legal cohabitation
  • Initial mediation in family matters (under private and family law, disputes concerning support, upbringing, residence and personal contact with the children)
  • Construction matters where an architect or permit is required

Not covered

Personal legal assistance insurance/Extension of legal assistance to cover contractual disputes
  • Disputes concerning non-payment of an undisputed invoice
  • Disputes about a property other than your main residence, such as a holiday home that has serious defects (such a contractual dispute with the contractor/architect is not covered)
  • Disputes in which you are involved as the owner, keeper, lessee or driver of a motor vehicle that is subject to compulsory third-party liability motor insurance
  • Disputes arising from a collective labour dispute, involuntary liquidation proceedings or the closure of a company
  • Construction disputes concerning a property when the work has been carried out by a contractor that is not registered with the ‘Crossroads Bank of Enterprises’ database to perform said work

Extension of legal assistance to cover other disputes

  • Disputes pertaining to the consequences of acts of war, insurrection or terrorism
  • Disputes arising from wilful misconduct or gross negligence
  • Disputes arising from a collective labour dispute, involuntary liquidation proceedings or the closure of a company
  • Disputes in which you are involved as the owner, lessee, pilot/driver or keeper of a boat, an aircraft or a motor vehicle

The complete list of cover provided and exclusions can be found in the general conditions.

Good to know

  • This product is governed by the laws of Belgium.
  • Insurance cover under this policy is valid for a term of one year and is tacitly renewed unless you cancel it no later than two months before the main renewal date. As a consumer, you can cancel your insurance contract at any time starting from the second insurance year, with effect after two months have elapsed from the day after the registered letter was submitted for delivery, the writ was served or the date of the acknowledgement of receipt.
  • Your intermediary is the first point of contact for any complaints you may have. If no agreement can be reached, please contact KBC Complaints Management, Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven, complaints@kbc.be, tel. 016 43 25 94. If you cannot find a suitable solution, you can contact the Belgian insurance industry's ombudsman service: Ombudsman van de Verzekeringen, de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels, info@ombudsman-insurance.be, www.ombudsman-insurance.be.
    This does not affect your legal rights.

Please go to www.kbc.be, use KBC Touch or KBC Mobile, or contact your Insurance Expert to get a premium calculation for KBC Family Insurance.

KBC Family Insurance is a product provided by KBC Insurance NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium.
VAT BE 0403.552.563 – RLP Leuven – IBAN BE43 7300 0420 0601 – BIC KREDBEBB.
Company licensed by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979, Belgian Official Gazette of 14 July 1979).
Member of the KBC group

Read this information carefully before taking out this insurance