Pension saving

Pension saving

Pension savings fund

A pension savings fund offers you a tidy supplementary pension and annual tax relief

Pension savings insurance plan

Saving for your pension? A pension savings insurance plan gives you a fixed return.

Everything you need to know about saving for your pension

Saving for a pension with a guaranteed return

Enjoy tax benefits as you save for retirement with a KBC Home & Pension Plan pension savings insurance policy. Learn more now.

KBC Home & Long-Term Plan

A tidy little nest egg of a pension, with tax relief.

Responsible pension saving

Responsible pension saving  is good for your future and for the one of those 7.6 billion other people on earth.

Pension saving in 2025: choice between 2 tax limits

What is the maximum you can put away in your pension savings scheme in 2025? Find out which amount gives you the best tax break and get more savings tips.