Regulated savings accounts

Overview of KBC's regulated savings accounts
Like to make a quick comparison of our regulated savings accounts? Check out the base rate of interest, fidelity bonus and other features in our overview.
Saving to cover planned or unplanned expenses

Saving for the future
A regulated savings account is a safe way to put away money for larger purchases or to set aside a financial reserve. Should something unexpected then happen on the financial front, you'll have easy access to funds to deal with it. Open a personal savings account or joint savings account for free now.
The KBC Savings Account is a ‘category A’ savings account: a traditional savings account without any additional conditions.
Giving a child or grandchild a financial boost

Savings accounts for children
If there’s been a new arrival in your own family or in your close family circle, you can start saving now to give the little one a flying start later. Open the savings account directly in the child's name or open a new account in your own name and designate the child as the beneficiary. By the way, you can do the latter even when the baby is still on the way.
These accounts are ‘category A’ savings accounts: traditional savings accounts without any additional conditions.
Saving on a monthly basis

Saving monthly
Putting away a fixed amount every month is made easy with KBC Start2Save, a savings account where you save up to 500 euros a month by standing order. KBC Start2Save4 lets you save in the same way except you can also designate a beneficiary.
Both accounts are ‘category B’ savings accounts: savings accounts with a maximum monthly savings amount or a balance limit.
Tip: check the interest already accrued and yet to accrue on your savings account
If you’re wondering how much interest your savings account earns you, simply log in to KBC Touch or KBC Mobile.
Select the savings account whose interest you want to calculate.
Select ‘Manage’ (in KBC Touch) or tap the three dots at the top right of your screen (in KBC Mobile) and then select ‘Interest details’.
Request an overview, see your last interest payment or simulate the effect of a withdrawal
Security deposit savings account

Blocked savings account for your security deposit
If you’re about to rent a house or flat, put the security deposit in a security deposit savings account. By doing so, no-one can touch that money for the duration of the lease. When the lease ends, you can use our app to request the release of the funds, which we’ll do along with the interest they’ve earned. Landlords, too, can advise their tenants on opening this account.
This is a ‘category A’ savings account: a traditional savings account without any additional conditions.
Alternative to savings accounts

Ever considered a time deposit account?
Unlike savings accounts, your money is not available at any time on a time deposit account. You set aside your money for a certain period and in return, the interest rate on your time deposit account is generally higher than on your savings account. Therefore a time deposit account can be a good alternative to earn a little more from your savings.