Contact and stay in touch with us

in KBC Touch

Contact and stay in touch with us

in KBC Touch


The details of your contacts can be found under ‘Contact’. You can call these people, send them a message or make an appointment with them.

An overview of general contacts is also provided.


Under 'Messages', you can see the communication between you and KBC, and exchange messages with your contacts.

We're here to help

Questions about online banking and security in KBC Touch

Discover how your secret code might not be that secret, what we at KBC do with your details and what you can do to prevent fraud.

General questions about KBC Touch

Get help with things like problems using KBC Touch, a forgotten PIN or changing your settings.

Everything about your house or apartment in KBC Touch

This feature lets you see the mortgage loans and related insurance you've taken out at KBC.

Bank on your phone

  • Get our 5-star Mobile app
  • No debit card & card reader
  • Start mobile banking