There are sometimes months when you're faced with a lot of costs at once, such as when it's back to school time, or towards the end of the year. Other months you might have a big purchase planned, such as a nice trip. As such, you might want to spread payments over several months. How? Discover four solutions that you might find interesting.
Handy for smaller expenses
The KBC Budget Facility
If you would like to regularly spread your payments, you can use the KBC Budget Facility to temporarily overdraw your account up to 750 euros. You pay debit interest only on the amount actually overdrawn and only for the number of days your account is in the red. If you go overdrawn, you have exactly one month to clear your debit balance.
If you would rather repay at your own pace, you can link a KBC Flex Budget to your KBC credit card.

The KBC Payment Button with deferred payment (online only)
If you're making a purchase online and you can choose KBC on the payment page, you can pay up to two months later, while the store still gets its money immediately. This is possible for amounts between 50 and 1 250 euros.
Handy for larger expenses
The KBC credit card
Pay for the month's spending only after you have received the next monthly statement and benefit from additional insurance (such as purchase protection, extended warranty or extra cover while travelling). The default spending limit depends on the type of card you choose.

A personal loan
It's possible to take out a personal loan for lots of different reasons, such as for holidays, hobbies, study costs, furnishing your home or unforeseen expenses. You then repay the loan in instalments with a fixed monthly amount, without having to draw on your savings. This is possible for for amounts starting from 500 euros.